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Namespace Crayon.Tag

Holds functionality for escaping charactors.
Defined in: tag.js.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Crayon.Tag.content_tag(name, content, Object, Boolean)
Retrurns a tag string.
Crayon.Tag.tag(name, Object, Boolean, Boolean)
Retrurns a tag string.
Namespace Detail
Method Detail
<static> Crayon.Tag.content_tag(name, content, Object, Boolean)
Retrurns a tag string.
{String} name
a tag name such as "p".
{String or Function} content
The text inserted into the tag. If a function is passed, the returned value is inserted.
Object Optional
options kev-value pairs for the tag attributes. The default is {}.
Boolean Optional
escape if true, the special chars in tag attributes specified by options is escaped.

<static> Crayon.Tag.tag(name, Object, Boolean, Boolean)
Retrurns a tag string.
{String} name
a tag name such as "p".
Object Optional
options kev-value pairs for the tag attributes. The default is {}.
Boolean Optional
open if true, the closer is excluded. The default is fasle.
Boolean Optional
escape if true, the special chars in tag attributes specified by options is escaped.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.3.0 on Sat Dec 05 2009 00:01:29 GMT+0900 (JST)