Instagram service is built on top of APIFY scarper.
ig resolve-assets
command.Instagram Profile Scraper
task to include the new account at Apifytasks /helloproject/ig/crawl-latest
to fetch the scraped results from Apify.resolve-assets
Our member service automatically detects the new Instagram account as an HPAsset but it is not connected with HPMember account so you need to manually connect them.
To do this, we have a command resolve-assets
that resolves the Instagram account with the HPMember account so that Instgram posts get avaialble on the HPMember feed.
$ go run ./cmd/ --prod ig resolve-assets
Following connections will be created:
IG Account HPMember
rio_kitagawa.official 8589934603
homare__okamura.official 8589934604
mei_yamazaki.official 8589934605
yuumi__kasai.official 8589934675
shiori_yagi.official 8589934676
marine_fukuda.official 8589934677
rin_kawana.official 8589934669
shion_tamenaga.official 8589934670
risa_irie.official 8589934673
Commit connections (y/N)> y
Note that the command rely on their Instagram account name convension, which is {first_name}_{last_name}.official
. If there is an account that doesn’t follow this convension, you need to manually connect them.